The Florida Chapter of AMWA is one of 15 regional chapters of the organization. Our members live throughout the Sunshine State, and they work in a wide range of medical communication settings, including universities and medical schools, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and journals. We also have members who work as freelance writers and editors. Florida Chapter members can participate in local networking opportunities, where they can share their expertise and learn from others. For more information on AMWA volunteer opportunities, please click here.

Our Mission

AMWA's mission is to promote excellence in medical communication and to provide educational resources in support of that goal. We have a vision to create clear medical communications that lead to better health and well-being. 


We are committed to enhancing resource and education opportunities for medical communicators across settings and career levels, connecting and engaging with more medical communicators, and increasing the awareness of AMWA as a valuable resource for medical communicators.

AMWA-EMWA-ISMPP Joint Position Statement on The Role of Professional Medical Writers

Professional medical writing support helps authors and sponsors to disclose their research in peer-review journals and scientific congresses in an ethical, accurate, and timely manner, with the ultimate aim of advancing patient care.

For more details please click here